Donald Trump opens as 2024 Presidential favorite at DraftKings in Canada


With over two years until the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, the first odds have come out on the President, and former President Donald Trump is the early favorite (%plussign% 250). Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (%plussign% 300) and current President Joe Biden (%plussign% 550) have the next-best odds.

DraftKings Sportsbook opened the odds to win the election in Ontario, Canada on Wednesday. Sports betting is legal and operational in over 30 U.S. states, but betting on U.S. elections is not legal in any of them. DraftKings also opened odds to be the Republican candidate (Trump, %plussign% 110) and Democratic candidate (Biden, %plussign% 175).

There are many celebrities listed in the Presidential market, including Dwanye "The Rock" Johnson (40-1), Kayne West (100-1) and George Clooney (100-1).

The first wager in the market was a $25 Canadian bet on "The Rock" at 40-1 odds.